John Sculley certamente tem sido muito requisitado pela mídia, após a morte de Steve Jobs. Afinal, ele foi protagonista de um dos pontos mais polêmicos da história do cofundador da Apple: o fato de o ter levado a pedir demissão da própria empresa, depois de o próprio Jobs ter o contratado enquanto ainda era CEO da Pepsi.
Um dos grandes “fracassos” da Apple associados à Era Sculley (de 1983 a 1993) foi o Newton. O executivo concorda que o aparelho veio antes do tempo (provavelmente uns 15 anos antes), mas é feliz em saber que a base de sua tecnologia é usada até hoje em gadgets modernos, incluindo iPhones, iPods e iPads.
Falando em tecnologias modernas, Sculley é mais um que tem certeza de que, se tem alguma empresa que pode revolucionar o mercado de televisões, essa empresa é a Apple. Ele acredita que, apesar de a qualidade de imagem estar se tornando melhor e teremos cada vez mais conteúdos à nossa disposição, a experiência de uso com esses aparelhos ainda pode melhorar consideravelmente.
Sculley também observa que, quando deixou a Apple, esta era a empresa de informática mais lucrativa do planeta, embora “só” tivesse US$2 bilhões em caixa. Atualmente, a Maçã tem pelo menos mais US$80 bilhões em cima disso — graças principalmente ao retorno de Jobs ao seu comando, a partir de 1997.
Estes foram apenas alguns dos assuntos tratados numa entrevista exclusiva da BBC News com John Sculley. Vale a pena ler.

Mr Sculley was ultimately forced out himself by Apple's board in 1993. Since
then he been an active investor and director in several tech companies including
Audax Health.
He attended this year's Consumer Electronics Show to promote the firm's
Careverge healthcare social network and its young chief executive who he now
"Because of his experience at Apple and Pepsi he has been able to help me as
a founding CEO... he has been fundamentally critical to changing the business
and we've built a fantastic relationship as a result of it," Audax's founder
Grant Verstandig says.
According to Steve Jobs' biographer, Walter Isaacson, Mr Sculley and Mr Jobs'
relationship also started off well.
But as the book makes clear neither man emerged untarnished from their
subsequent falling out - something the BBC put to Mr Sculley.
You haven't read the biography - but you have discussed it with
people who have. Some people have said neither you nor Mr Jobs come out
particularly well from the book - do you have concerns about it?
I haven't really thought about it too much because I
know what went on back in the 1980s because I was there.
It's ironic that neither Steve Jobs nor I have read the book but I've seen
interviews that Walter Isaacson has given and they seem to be very credible.
I think he captured Steve in the really good greatness of him, and from what
I've heard from people who have read the book Walter Isaacson cleared up some of
the myths - that I never really did fire Steve Jobs and that Apple was actually
a very profitable company.
When I left Apple it had $2bn (£1.3bn) of cash.
It was the most profitable computer company in the world - not just personal
computers - and Apple was the number one selling computer. So the myth that I
fired Steve wasn't true and the myth that I destroyed Apple, that wasn't true
A lot of things happened after I left before Steve came back.

I was brought to Apple not because I knew anything about computers - building
them - but because the company had to keep the Apple II commercially alive, it
was near end of life, for three more years to generate enough cash so that Steve
could build the Macintosh and have time to do that and launch the Mac
So during that time Steve and I got along great.
When the Macintosh Office was introduced in 1985 and failed Steve went into a
very deep funk. He was depressed, and he and I had a major disagreement where he
wanted to cut the price of the Macintosh and I wanted to focus on the Apple II
because we were a public company.
We had to have the profits of the Apple II and we couldn't afford to cut the
price of the Macintosh because we needed the profits from the Apple II to show
our earnings - not just to cover the Mac's problems.
That's what led to the disagreement and the showdown between me and Steve and
eventually the board investigated it and agreed that my position was the one
they wanted to support.
Ironically it was all about Moore's law and it wasn't about Steve and me.
Computers just weren't powerful enough in 1985 to do the very rigorous graphics
that you had to be able to do for laser printing, and ironically it was only 18
months later when computers were powerful enough that we renamed the Mac Office,
Desktop Publishing and it became wildly successful.
It wasn't my idea, it was all Steve's stuff, but he was just a year and a
half too early.
So when we were creating Newton we also co-founded a company called Arm.
Apple owned 47% of it, Olivetti owned 47% and the founder Hermann Hauser
owned the rest.
Arm not only was the key technology behind the Newton but it eventually
became the key technology behind every mobile device in the world today
including the iPhone and the iPad.
The Newton was clearly much too ambitious just like Steve's Macintosh Office
was a year and a half too early.
Newton was probably 15 years too early. I'm not a technologist. I didn't have
the experience to make that judgment but we were I think right on many of the
The product clearly failed in terms of taking on such an ambitious goal. I
think in hindsight there is a lot of good legacy there with the Newton.
Even if the product itself never survived the technology did.

I never claimed to be a computer engineer, but I did train as an industrial
designer and I am a consumer marketer and I am very comfortable dealing with
complex businesses and complexity in general and simplifying it - basically a
systems designer.
The area I am particularly excited about now is healthcare. Healthcare has
been the last major industry that hasn't been touched by technology in terms of
productivity and consumer adoption in the way so many other industries have.
While I'm not bringing any technology experience to the healthcare industry,
I do see some similarities between what I was asked to do when I came to Apple,
which was to bring big brand consumer marketing to Apple and carry it over to
the whole Silicon Valley industry - because everybody does that today - well
that same opportunity exists today in healthcare.
Health innovation enabled by digital technologies to build big consumer
service brands, is an incredibly interesting complex problem to work on.
Audax is really the first social health company and it's focused on consumer
engagement in the healthcare space bringing in a lot of the social media
technologies and experiences that have been learned from companies like Facebook
and Zynga and others.
When I started working with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates they were 27 years old.
Grant Verstandig, the founder and CEO of Audax health solutions, is 23 year old.
And it couldn't be done by somebody my age. It has to be someone who has grown
up and understands and whose brain is wired differently to mine.
How much have you invested in this project?
I can say it's over $1m, so I look at this as a significant investment and I
am actively involved as an advisor. In my experience there is a very thin line
between success and the failure of almost any company. So what a mentor can do
is to be an advisor and help the CEO have higher odds of being on the success
side of the line than the failure.
Apple is not at CES. But many of the keynotes have centred around the
launch of new Smart TVs and the innovations behind them. Do you have any
thoughts about how Apple should fit into this sector?
I remember that Walter Isaacson said that Steve told him before he died that
he had figured the problem out of how to do a great TV experience.
I think that Apple has revolutionised every other consumer industry, why not
I think that televisions are unnecessarily complex. The irony is that as the
pictures get better and the choice of content gets broader, that the complexity
of the experience of using the television gets more and more complicated.
So it seems exactly the sort of problem that if anyone is going to change the
experience of what the first principles are, it is going to be Apple.
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